Key Parent Responsibilities

When your child is enrolled at our centre, we ask that you remember these key points:

Social Contract

This social contract was created by our children for children. Each school-age group has a posted contract signed by each child in that group. Please review it with your child.

my social contract

how I like to be treated
with respect
wanted – asked to join in and share
to be liked
listened to
with nice talking – no secrets, no swearing, no yelling
no hurting physically – no biting, no hitting, no kicking, no spitting…and so on
no hurting emotionally – no making fun of me, no name calling, no teasing…and so on
fairly – no cheating, no lies, no stealing, no tricking to make me look foolish…and so on

how will I treat others
with respect
by including them and sharing
by being polite
listen to them
with nice talking - no secrets, no swearing, no yelling
no hurting physically - no biting, no hitting, no kicking, no spitting…and so on
no hurting emotionally – no making fun of, no name calling, no teasing…and so on
fairly – no cheating, no lies, no stealing, no tricking to make me look foolish…and so on

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